ACL Surgery Specialist

Orthopedics Unlimited
Michael Rieber, MD
Orthopaedic Surgeon & Sports Medicine Physician located in West Orange, NJ & Newark, NJ
If you tear or rupture your anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), ACL surgery can prevent further damage, limit pain, and help you return to the court or playing field. At Orthopedics Unlimited in Livingston, New Jersey, orthopaedic surgeon Michael Rieber, MD, uses advanced treatment techniques like arthroscopy to perform ACL surgery. To schedule an appointment, book online or call the office today.
ACL Surgery Q&A
What is ACL surgery?
ACL surgery is an orthopedic procedure used to repair a torn or damaged anterior cruciate ligament. The ACL is one of four ligaments that connect your thigh bone and tibia at the knee.
At Orthopedics Unlimited, Dr. Rieber specializes in minimally invasive ACL surgery. This allows for smaller surgical scars, quicker recovery times, and a lower risk of surgical complications than traditional open surgery.
Who is at risk of experiencing an ACL injury?
Anyone can experience an ACL injury, but they’re especially common in athletes and physically active individuals. Several activities can increase your risk of an ACL injury, including:
- Landing wrong after a jump
- Stopping suddenly
- Planting your foot and pivoting
- Changing your direction quickly
If your ACL becomes weak or develops a tear, you may find it difficult to put pressure on your affected knee. ACL surgery provides a safe and effective way to repair your ligament without the risk of more serious complications.
How does ACL surgery work?
At Orthopedics Unlimited, Dr. Rieber performs ACL surgery onsite on an outpatient basis. Before your operation, he administers general anesthesia, putting you to sleep.
Once the anesthesia sets in, Dr. Rieber makes several small incisions near your knee joint. He then inserts small tools through the incisions and carefully places an ACL graft. A graft is a piece of healthy tissue, which is either synthetic or comes from human donors.
To place the graft, Dr. Rieber creates two holes: one in the bone above your knee and the other in the bone below it. He places screws into the holes that hold your graft in place. After securing the graft, Dr. Rieber stitches up your incisions. You’re moved to an observation room until the anesthesia wears off.
In the weeks and months following ACL surgery, the graft encourages the production of new cells and tissue. This restores your ACL to its near-original condition, allowing you to return to sports and other types of physical activity.
What is recovery like following ACL surgery?
Following ACL surgery, Dr. Rieber wraps your knee and gives you crutches. He writes you a prescription for medications that ease pain and limit your risk of infection. As your knee starts to heal, you participate in physical therapy.
To achieve the best outcome, make sure to attend all of your follow-up appointments. Recovery can take anywhere from 9-12 months. Be patient, follow Dr. Rieber’s instructions, and adhere to your treatment regimen.
To find out if you could benefit from ACL surgery, schedule an appointment at Orthopedics Unlimited by phone or online today.